2017: The year of the...


... and no it's not a new hobby where I boss people around

New Year's resolutions; We love to hate them. They are there, it seems, to make those of us who set them, fail in the long term. I have never liked the concept of a resolution. What's the point in setting yourself rules or strict guidelines at the start of the year, that for one, you aren't inclined to start at any other time, and are never going to take seriously anyway (who wants to start a diet in the new year? umm holidays = drinking and food!)

My perception of a resolution has always been a negative one, clouded with inevitable failure. I guess there was never one that inspired me to change anything about my normal routine. Understandably, as the years flew by, setting a resolution each year became less important because I knew they were never going to stick. What's the point in trying to do something over and over again without changing the formula? Isn't that the definition of insanity?

At the end of 2016, however, I came across an article on Mamamia about the reality of new years resolutions and their inability to transcend the first 3 months of the year. It mentioned the idea of giving the new year a theme. Something to base all decisions, goals and lifestyle choices around.
The article instigated a reflection process for me; I looked back on all the resolutions I had made for previous new years. Mine were always the generic ones; eat healthily, exercise more, save money, learn how to break dance - you know, the usual.

Inspired by the article and numerous bad-ass successful and go -getting women who kept flooding my news feed, I decided to give this whole theme- for -your -year malarky a crack. And so, the year of the BOSS was born!

Being a BOSS, to me, is taking control of your life. Putting into practice mentalities and goals that get you one step closer to who you want to be and what you want to achieve. Even if you have no idea what you want in a career, you can always start somewhere, by doing something you love and are interested in, no matter how trivial it may seem, is always better than nothing. This blog, for instance, has been part of my BOSS plans. Something I had always craved, as I read other bloggers, and imagined my own space to talk about all that interests and inspires me in the beauty world. It was scary, but putting my work and myself out there felt amazing (once I finally had hit publish on that first post).

You must be reading this thinking - Alex, it's not January its April!  but four months into this year I thought I would account for all the bossing that has been going on- because let's be honest, there have been days, heck weeks, where I have fallen off the waggon, and now's the time to pull myself on, even if I scrape my knees on the way.

Things I have learnt so far in my year of the BOSS:
1.  It is a lot harder to stay motivated and organised than you think. Get a diary that's practical (and adorable) to use to make lists, lodge important events and dates. Setting everything out makes tasks clearer and more manageable.
2. Keep your diary beside your bed to read over and add to at night. This has helped me to stay on top of everything.
3. Get up early - as much as it hurts me to say this BUT being a morning person is actually VERY beneficial. I am by no means good in the morning but the times (which are few) I have been up before the clock ticks past nine, I have made the most of the time that I had and achieved more than I expected. ( I can hear my mum saying I told you so..)
4. You don't have to define being a boss by the size of your accomplishments - bossing up your life can be anything that gives confidence or progress in your journey, be that professional or personal. Something that gets you closer to your next goal, it can be as small as talking to a stranger at a bus stop, making your bed in the morning or running for a few minutes before collapsing in a heap...Cute!

So obviously I am still working on the whole BOSS theme, I definitely don't have my life together 100% of the time but it does remind me to focus on the things that bring me joy, strive to tackle new challenges and inspires me to keep making small changes that will bring me closer to my goals. But hey, who says you can only start a theme in January? Well no one, that would be ridiculous! Go on, give 2017 a theme! You never know what you'll achieve and how #adult you'll feel.

xo A.

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